Tuesday 15 July 2014

Bistecca alla fiorentina or 'Beefsteak Florentine Style'

It has been a long time since my husband and I have had a peaceful dinner without having to attend to a toddler who cannot sit through a meal. We all know that toddlers aren't programmed to sit still, but we had still been harbouring hopes that we could have a decent dinner without any meltdowns. After several failed attempts, we finally realised that we can only truly enjoy our meal when the kids are left at home.

Last Saturday we finally had a chance to enjoy great company and pretty awesome food. What a wonderful dinner thanks to Gabriel Fratini, an Italian chef for nearly 4 decades. The main course for the evening was the Bistecca alla Fiorentina or 'beefsteak Florentine style' - described by some as the glory of Tuscan meat. Florentine steak is a porterhouse steak brushed with olive oil, garlic, rosemary and seared so that the juicy red interior is enclosed in a charbroiled outer crust.

A very unique part about the experience is that there is no menu in this restaurant located at Greenwood Avenue. You just have to trust the chef to serve you the best from the kitchen. Some of the other dishes we had:

We had a good time relaxing and enjoying the juicy and flavourful beef steak and a variety of yummy food from Gabriel's private kitchen  :)

Written by: Dr. Debbie Hong

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