Monday 3 November 2014

Dental Care ( Frequently Asked Questions)

Frequently asked questions

1) How do I care for my teeth properly at home?

· By brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day or after meals, this will regularly remove any plaque buildup which causes tooth decay and gum disease
· Ask your dentist for advice on proper tooth brushing and flossing techniques
      2) How often should I go for routine dental visits and what can I expect during these visits?

· Generally, most dentists advise regular checkups once every 6 months or at the very least once a year, since most dental conditions are painless at first and may go undetected until extensive treatment becomes necessary
· During routine visits, your dentist will usually clean your teeth in the areas that you cannot reach especially under the gums
· X- rays may be taken as part of the examination process to detect deeper problems
· Oral cancer screening is usually done as part of the dental checkup by observing for any sign of abnormal tissues
       3) What are some of the medical conditions that I may have, which would demand more attention to my oral      health?
  If you have any of the conditions below:
·       Diabetes
·       Have had radiation therapy to the head and neck region
·       Have had organ transplantation and are on long- term immunosuppressive therapy
·       Smokers
·       Dry mouth

      4) What dental products or devices should I use to care for my teeth?

· Many types of fluoride-containing tooth pastes are available, choose one that suits your needs
· Mouthwashes can be used in addition to tooth brushing and flossing, but not replacing it. If you are at risk of gum disease or tooth decay, your dentist can recommend the type of mouthwash that would suit you.
   5) Besides using dental products, what other preventive measures can I take?

· You can reduce your intake of sugary snacks and drinks
· If you habitually grind or clench your teeth, you can ask your dentist for a mouth guard to protect your teeth from cracking
· If you are involved in contact sports, you can have a mouth guard made for you to wear to cushion any accidental impacts and reduce your risk of breaking your teeth
· If you smoke, consider cessation. Smokers are at higher risk of gum disease and also oral cancer.

   6) When should I start my child on dental care?

· Tooth brushing should be started as soon as the first tooth erupts, and visiting a pediatric dentist from an early age is generally advised
· You can ask your dentist about sealants, which are placed on your child’s teeth to help protect the vulnerable parts from tooth decay
Written by: Dr Debbie Hong

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