Friday 9 January 2015

For the love of books !

This is an absolutely good read for the beginning of a year.

Are you feeling guilty that you do not have enough time for your kids? You wish that you could have 25 hours in a day so that you can be there for all the milestones and special occasions. I am a working mother of two young kids who not only feel guilty about things I’ve done or not done for my kids from the time they were born, but I also worry about everything I can and can’t control in our kid’s life.

No regrets parenting is written by Dr. Harley Rotbart, a paediatric specialist who shares his experience from many parents that he met throughout his career. It is a simple and honest piece of advice on how we can make sure that we do not drift by our children's childhood and look back with regrets. A day with our kids may seem long and tiring but rest assured many birthdays will come and soon they will not be around you all the time. No more messy tables, toys lying around the living room and Cherrios on your car seat. The author shares on how we can cherish every minute of our time with them. 

According to Dr. Harley, we should never feel guilty about the minutes that we can’t spare with our kids despite our best efforts. As long as we have the right priorities and try to turn scarce minutes into cherished moments, we are doing fine. Another reason is that kids need to grow their independence, you need to provide balance between the time spend with you and the time they need away from you to develop independence.

Good read! 

Written by: Dr. Debbie Hong

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