Wednesday 26 August 2015

Learning more about cracked tooth ...

How can I tell if I have a cracked tooth?
The signs of a cracked tooth are not easy to spot and the symptoms are inconsistent and varied. You may experience pain on biting from time to time especially when you release the biting force. Consult your dentist immediately if you suspect that you have a cracked tooth.

How long will the symptoms of a cracked tooth last?
The duration of the symptoms depend on how quick the cracked tooth is diagnosed and treated. The diagnosis of a cracked tooth can be challenging, as the symptoms are inconsistent.

Will my tooth become better?
If a tooth is cracked, it has to be treated either with root canal treatment and/or a crown, or even extraction of the tooth depending on the type and severity of the crack.  Cracks of teeth are unlike cracks on our bones that will heal over time. A crack on a tooth will never heal; it will usually only get worse if not treated.

Should I be concerned with craze lines seen on my teeth?
Craze lines are sometimes seen on tooth surfaces. Craze lines are very superficial cracks or stress lines on the enamel surface of a tooth and mostly require no treatment at all. The tooth still functions as usual and does not cause any discomfort. However, if you are having discomfort on the tooth, please seek advise from your dentist.

What are the options available for the replacement of a cracked tooth?
If the crack on the tooth is so severe that it needs to be extracted, the tooth can be replaced with an implant, a denture or a bridge depending on the tooth involved and your existing dental condition.

Written by : Dr Debbie Hong

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for share is blog, this is very helpful. AIMS Dentistry at Sheppard. are the most advanced technique to replace missing teeth. Dental Clinic North York. Root canal treatment is performed to preserve decayed tooth from extraction. Orthodontic treatment. Orthodontic treatment is done to align the crooked teeth.
