Thursday 24 July 2014

Letter to Anastasia

Anastasia (a.k.a Little M)
Dear Anastasia,

You are turning two soon.You are no longer a baby but a cheerful and chirpy toddler, and a sister to another beautiful baby. You have a personality now and I am so proud of you. I am still falling in love with you every time you smile at me. Having you in my life has indeed added a whole new dimension to my world -a world full of excitement and surprises.

I am intrigued by almost everything about you, your first smile, first step, first coo, first kiss for mummy and of course your first tooth, first day in nursery, first tantrum to your first successful potty time. I am totally infatuated with you.

You do not come with an operating manual. I am learning about you everyday, hoping that I can give you my very best. I am looking forward to getting to know you more as you unveil your personality unique to yourself and as you make your journey into the second year of your life.

I am reminded by you everyday that motherhood is indeed amazing. Little by little I am forgetting all the tears  and only remembering the laughter. The labour pain, the sleepless nights , the breastfeeding woes become a distant blur when I see you growing up into a little person. Motherhood is a never-ending love story, and I thank you for giving me the privilege to be part of this story.

Thank you for adding joy to the colours of my life.


"Being a mother is learning about the strengths you didn't know you had and dealing with fears you never know existed " Linda Wooten

Written by : Dr Debbie Hong

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