Saturday 26 July 2014

The birth of Adriana ( my youngest daughter )


This journey was indeed a smooth one. I asked to be admitted for induction as I was at 40 weeks and there was no sign of labour. Adriana was delivered with just three pushes. She was 3.345 kg, her eyes were closed but I could hear her crying. My second daughter really likes to sleep , she is my sweet sleepyhead. She started sleeping through the night when she was 8 weeks old.

Tracy Hogg , the author of "Secrets of the Baby Whisperer" describes 5 different personality types for infants : Angel, Textbook, Touchy, Spirited, and Grumpy. Adriana is indeed an Angel baby. She is as good as gold. She is mellow, eternally smiling, and consistently undemanding. Her cues are easy to read. She feeds, plays, and sleeps easily, and usually doesn’t cry when she wakes up. She can often calm herself down. Even when she gets overtired, it is easy for her to settle down again.

Adriana, thank you for being such a wonderful addition to the family. You complete the equation. Mummy loves you.

Written by: Dr Debbie Hong

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